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so you know what buyers will pay for your home in today's market. You
may also call us at (501) 400-4849 for a FREE home buying or selling
consultation to answer any of your real estate questions.
The nearly 700 households that have been affected by the recent tornado here in Arkansas have been heavy on my heart and mind. We have devoted a large portion of our time on the Beyond the Box Radio Show the last two weeks talking about the different aspects and decisions that homeowners may be facing after such an event.
The Blackwood Team is ready to extend our full team of professionals to help answer your questions, such as:
- What options do I have?
What should I consider before settling my insurance claim? - Do I have to need to get a new mortgage?
- Who should I call to repair my home?
- Where can I live while my home is repaired?
There are an abundance of resources available to you in Arkansas for this kind of situation. As a certified real estate expert and mortgage planning specialist, I am eager and willing to help anyone who needs assistance.
If you, or someone you know, have been impacted by the storms, please let us know so we can help. You can reach me through my website www.stevenblackwood.com or by phone at 501-219-4667.